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How to Withdraw BRL on Bitget - Mobile App Tutorial

2024-05-04 10:4811064

Here's the step-by-step procedures on how to withdraw BRL via bank transfer on Bitget mobile app.

Step 1:

Click [Add Funds] from [Home] and select [Bank Deposit].

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Step 2:

Choose BRL as your fiat currency. The current BRL transfer method is Bank Transfer (PIX).

How to Withdraw BRL on Bitget - Mobile App Tutorial image 1

PIX Bank Transfer is an instant payment method in Brazil. On Bitget, this service is only available for users who have Brazilian identification authentication.

Step 3:

Enter the amount of BRL you want to withdraw.

Next, insert all the bank account details and click [Next].

Otherwise, proceed to [Add New Bank Account] if it is your first time making this withdrawal. All of the details must be the same as your online bank account.

Step 4:

Please check your withdrawal amount and bank details before you click [Confirm].

Step 5:

Enter your security verification (email/mobile/Google authentication verification or all).

You will receive a notification and email once your withdrawal is successful.

Step 6:

If you want to check the status of your fiat withdrawal, click the clock icon on top right.

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FAQ about BRL withdrawal via Bank Transfer (PIX):

1. How long does it take for my withdrawal through Bank Transfer (PIX)?

Arrival time: Immediate (it may vary depending on the processing time from bank).

2. What is the transaction fee of BRL fiat withdrawal via Bank Transfer (PIX)?

*Fee: 2.6 BRL

3. What is the daily limit of transaction amount?

*Daily limit: 10180 USD (or 49437 BRL)

4. What is the transaction range amount per order?

*Per transaction: 3 USD ~ 10180 USD (or 15 BRL ~ 49437 BRL)

5. What is the important note before withdrawing BRL?

The bank account which will receive the withdrawal amount must be owned by the same person / KYC of the Bitget account. Your withdrawal orders will be processed if your order is placed within your bank working hours. If the withdrawal order is placed after the bank working hours, the processing time will be on the next working day.

*All transaction amount, limit and fee are subjected to changes.

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