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VIP: Many surprises await when you have a Bitget friend

2024-07-17 10:000775

VIP: Many surprises await when you have a Bitget friend image 0

Unlock Exclusive Rewards with Bitget's VIP Referral Program

Welcome to Bitget's exciting new VIP Referral Program! We value our users and are thrilled to offer a range of fantastic rewards when you invite your friends to join Bitget. Here's what you can look forward to:

Join Now

Invite More, Get More:

Get your trades sponsored by us when you have a Bitget friend:

Invite your friends to trade on Bitget and earn USDT trading bonuses based on the number of users you refer:

Users invited

Referrer reward



For each users invited, get 30 USDT trading bonus

Bitget brand merchandise box (T-shirt, Socks, Towel, Hat, Slippers with Bitget logo)

Referees to complete FTT in Futures and complete futures trade for at least 3 days within the first 7 days after registration


For each users invited, get 45 USDT trading bonus

5 or above

For each users invited, get 60 USDT trading bonus

Invite your friends now!

We are the VIP champion:

Special Rewards for Inviting VIP Friends

When you invite friends who are VIP traders, both you and your friends can enjoy even greater rewards:

For each Trader type VIP friends invited




100 USDT

PowerBank + Computer Bag

100 USDT

Welcome gift such as Bitget brand merchandise box (T-shirt, Socks, Towel, Hat, Slippers with Bitget logo)

30 days VIP trial of your friend’s VIP level (Up to VIP level 5)


VIP + 1 if you have VIP on other exchange

(Submit here to claim VIP + 1 benefit)

*Whichever higher applies


150 USDT

150 USDT


200 USDT

200 USDT

VIP 4 or above

300 USDT

Poker Set

300 USDT

Invite your VIP friends now!

Don't Keep the Best VIP Crypto Platform to Yourself! Invite Your Friends and Start Trading Together Today!

Terms and Conditions

  1. The campaign is available only for VIP users from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, DACH, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland.

  2. Users must complete KYC verification and connect with a VIP relationship manager to receive rewards.

  3. Users must participate this campaign through “Join Now” button to have referees counted

  4. The total prize pool for the “Invite More, Get More” campaign is 10,000 USDT, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

  5. Crypto-based rewards will be distributed every Wednesday (or the next business day). This event does not share rewards with others.

  6. Only referees who become VIP through Spot or Futures Trading within 30 days after registration will be counted as successful referees.

  7. Merchandise rewards will be delivered within 60 days after qualifying for the reward, depending on stock availability. Personal information will be requested via email to arrange deliveries. Notification will be sent via email in the case of longer waiting time

  8. Users who register with multiple accounts using the same IP address will not be eligible for the rewards.

  9. Bitget may disqualify users from participating in this event if any violation of the rules or immoral behavior is detected and reserves the right to change the event rules.

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