Demo Trading
Demo trading allows you to practice trading and test strategies in a real-market environment using virtual funds, helping you improve your skills and reduce the risk of losses.KYC is needed.
To perform demo trading via API, you'll need to create a Demo API Key in the first place. The steps are as follows:
Log in to your account → Switch to Demo mode → Go to the Personal Center → Go to the API Key Management → Create a Demo API Key → Use the Demo API Key to start trading.
Please use the created Demo API Key for WebSocket connections and request the demo trading service address:
Public: wss://
Private: wss://
Websocket Demo Coin Trading
Bitget websocket also supports the demo coin trading,please use a real trading API key to make calls for demo symbol
Public channel: wss://
Private channel: wss://
Tickers Channel
In websocket subscribe, simply use the demo symbol and demo coin if any
Request Example
"instType": "SUSDT-FUTURES",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "SBTCSUSDT"
Successful Response Example
"instType": "SUSDT-FUTURES",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "SBTCSUSDT"
Push Data Example
"action": "snapshot",
"arg": {
"instType": "SUSDT-FUTURES",
"channel": "ticker",
"instId": "SBTCSUSDT"
"data": [
"instId": "SBTCSUSDT",
"last": "27000.5",
"bidPr": "27000",
"askPr": "27000.5",
"bidSz": "2.71",
"askSz": "8.76",
"open24h": "27000.5",
"high24h": "30668.5",
"low24h": "26999.0",
"priceChangePercent": "-0.00002",
"fundingRate": "0.000010",
"nextFundingTime": 1695722400000,
"markPrice": "27000.0",
"indexPrice": "25702.4",
"quantity": "929.502",
"baseVolume": "368.900",
"quoteVolume": "10152429.961",
"openUtc": "27000.5",
"symbolType": 1,
"symbol": "SBTCSUSDT",
"deliveryPrice": "0",
"ts": 1695715383021
"ts": 1695715383039